When storm (cyclone) warnings are given by news channels, they mostly report only the storm warning signal numbers hoisted in sea ports. What those signal numbers imply are not known to the common man listening/viewing the news.Here are some details of Visual Storm (Cyclone) Warning Signals for Indian Sea Ports.The India Meteorological Department (IMD) is responsible for providing tropical cyclone warnings. Tropical cyclone warnings are provided by three Area Cyclone Warning Centres (ACWCs) located at Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai in addition to three Cyclone Warning Centres at … [Read more...]
Passage Planning
When the Master gets the nomination of the next port, he communicates this information to the navigating officer of the ship. On hearing this, how the navigating officer proceeds to plan the passage, is precisely the coverage of this article.Research into shipping casualties has shown that the most important contributing factor is that of human error, 85% to be more precise.Among the recommendations for improving this situation is one for passage planning. A good passage planning means taking the vessel from A to B in the safest and shortest way. The concept of passage planning is not … [Read more...]