OIL TANKER OPERATIONS (Discharging) Good planning is the hallmark of efficient tanker operations.Prior arriving at the discharge port an exchange of information between the ship and the terminal will take place. Once the vessel is tied up at the terminal, a ship-shore checklist will have to be filled out. The general safety checks and precautions will be the same as given for the loadport. Since pumps will be running at the discharge port, special attention will have to be given to monitor the safe running of the pumps. Pumproom ventilation should be running throughout operations. Proper … [Read more...]
OIL TANKER OPERATIONS (Loading) – Conventional Tanker Basics
Good planning is the hallmark of efficient tanker operations. Before a tanker approaches port, there are several factors that must be considered:Testing of cargo/ballast valves, sea valves, pipelines, pumps, inert gas systems, emergency stops. Preparedness of fire-fighting, life-saving and anti-pollution equipment. A pollution drill held before a ship arrives in port will serve the purpose of checking ail equipment. Any response during an emergency will be good since a drill had been executed recently. Preparation of tanks, including readiness of slop tanks. Planning for proper … [Read more...]