Doppler log is an instrument, used in ships, to measure ship's relative speed with water (in which it is travelling) by the use of Doppler effects on transmitted/reflected sound waves.PrincipleDoppler log is based on the principle of Doppler shift in frequency measurement i.e. apparent change in frequency received when the distance between source and observer is changing due to the motion of either source or observer or both. In Doppler log an observer is moving with a source of sound towards a reflecting plane, then the received frequency. By measuring the received frequency and … [Read more...]
Echo Sounder – Principle, Working & Errors
One of the dangers faced by a ship is that of running aground. Usually, a vessel determines its position by means of GPS, Radar, Decca, Loran or visual bearings. The depth of water is checked from the echo sounder just as a matter of routine to see that the depth obtained matches with that show on the chart. However when the position is not accurately known while approaching the port, or crossing over a bar, or near the mouth of a river, or in a poorly surveyed area, the under-keel clearance and depth of water needs to be known. The echo sounder comes in handy in such situation.An Echo … [Read more...]