A Single Point Mooring Buoy consists of a buoy that is permanently moored to the seabed by means of multiple mooring lines/anchors/chains allowing cargo transfer of liquid petroleum products. The buoy contains a bearing system that allows a part of it to rotate around the moored geostatic part. When a Ship is moored to this rotating part of the buoy with a mooring connection, the vessel is able to freely weather-vane around the geostatic part of the buoy. Responsibility Master has the overall responsibility for the mooring operations of the vessel at the SBM.The officer-in-charge of … [Read more...]
What is Chipping ? Tools, Precautions & Protection
Rust Scale removal by chipping, hammering, scaling and painting constitute the major portion of hull maintenance and requires labour and costs. It is important to do chipping properly not to allow rust again in the place where chipping was carried out once.It is better not to remove rust than chipping halfway through What is Chipping? The removal of weld spatter, rust, or old paint from ironwork using a hammer and cold chisel is called chipping. Chipping Tools Air Hammer Air Disc Sander Air Chisel (Jet needle chisel type) Chipping hammer Scraper Wire … [Read more...]
Cold Work
Cold Work is the work which cannot create a source of ignition or generate temperature conditions likely to be of sufficient intensity to cause ignition of combustible gases, vapours or liquids in or adjacent to the area involved. Cold work includes but not limited to:Opening vessels, pipes or enclosed spaces Where equipment requires decontamination Mechanical maintenance work Civil maintenance work Erection removal of scaffolding Insulation and painting Blanking/de-blanking. Disconnecting and connecting pipelines. Removing and fitting of valves, blanks, spades … [Read more...]