Rust Scale removal by chipping, hammering, scaling and painting constitute the major portion of hull maintenance and requires labour and costs. It is important to do chipping properly not to allow rust again in the place where chipping was carried out once.It is better not to remove rust than chipping halfway through What is Chipping? The removal of weld spatter, rust, or old paint from ironwork using a hammer and cold chisel is called chipping. Chipping Tools Air Hammer Air Disc Sander Air Chisel (Jet needle chisel type) Chipping hammer Scraper Wire … [Read more...]
Anti Exposure Suit
SOLAS REQUIREMENT FOR ANTI EXPOSURE SUIT CHAPTER 3, REG 7.3An immersion suit, complying with the requirements of the Code, of an appropriate size, shall be provided for every person assigned to crew the rescue boat or assigned to the marine evacuation system party.ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTI EXPOSURE SUIT The anti-exposure suit shall be constructed with waterproof materials such that it:Provides inherent buoyancy of at least 70 N; Is made of material which reduces the risk of heat stress during rescue and evacuation operations; Covers the whole body with the … [Read more...]