Water fogWater fogCreated OnJanuary 16, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary W Water fog < Back to Glossary IndexA suspension in the atmosphere of very fine droplets of water usually delivered at a high pressure through a fog nozzle for use in fire fighting.Related:Water sprayVapourHog (Hogging)Butterworth Tank Cleaning SystemBrackish water arrival draught (BWAD)ROLLING
Water fogCreated OnJanuary 16, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary W Water fog < Back to Glossary IndexA suspension in the atmosphere of very fine droplets of water usually delivered at a high pressure through a fog nozzle for use in fire fighting.Related:Water sprayVapourHog (Hogging)Butterworth Tank Cleaning SystemBrackish water arrival draught (BWAD)ROLLING