Sea lawyerSea lawyerCreated OnFebruary 20, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary S Sea lawyer < Back to Glossary IndexA seaman who is prone to argue, especially against recognized authority.Related:Able bodied seaman (AB)Breach of warranty of authoritySpecial areaOrdinary seaman (OS)Dreadage or Dreading ClauseHague Rules and Hague-Visby Rules
Sea lawyerCreated OnFebruary 20, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary S Sea lawyer < Back to Glossary IndexA seaman who is prone to argue, especially against recognized authority.Related:Able bodied seaman (AB)Breach of warranty of authoritySpecial areaOrdinary seaman (OS)Dreadage or Dreading ClauseHague Rules and Hague-Visby Rules