SafetyNETSafetyNETCreated OnJanuary 18, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary S SafetyNET < Back to Glossary IndexThe international service for the broadcast and automatic reception of MSI via the Inmarsat EGC system.Related:Inmarsat Mobile NumberNAVTEXInmarsat-CMSIInmarsat-AInmarsat-B
SafetyNETCreated OnJanuary 18, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary S SafetyNET < Back to Glossary IndexThe international service for the broadcast and automatic reception of MSI via the Inmarsat EGC system.Related:Inmarsat Mobile NumberNAVTEXInmarsat-CMSIInmarsat-AInmarsat-B