RoutingRoutingCreated OnFebruary 20, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary R Routing < Back to Glossary IndexA complex of measures concerning routes aimed at reducing the risk of casualties; it includes traffic separation schemes, two-way routes, tracks, areas to be avoided, inshore traffic zones, and deep water routes.Related:Grab dischargeInshore Traffic ZoneSeparation Zone (or Line)Brackish water arrival draught (BWAD)Hog (Hogging)Bareboat charter
RoutingCreated OnFebruary 20, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary R Routing < Back to Glossary IndexA complex of measures concerning routes aimed at reducing the risk of casualties; it includes traffic separation schemes, two-way routes, tracks, areas to be avoided, inshore traffic zones, and deep water routes.Related:Grab dischargeInshore Traffic ZoneSeparation Zone (or Line)Brackish water arrival draught (BWAD)Hog (Hogging)Bareboat charter