Poop deckPoop deckCreated OnFebruary 13, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary P Poop deck < Back to Glossary IndexA partial deck at the stern above the main deck, derived from the Latin “puppio” for the sacred deck where the “pupi” or doll images of the deities were kept.Related:Charter PartyBareboat charterHog (Hogging)BonafideDelegates non potest delegareDeck
Poop deckCreated OnFebruary 13, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary P Poop deck < Back to Glossary IndexA partial deck at the stern above the main deck, derived from the Latin “puppio” for the sacred deck where the “pupi” or doll images of the deities were kept.Related:Charter PartyBareboat charterHog (Hogging)BonafideDelegates non potest delegareDeck