Ignition pointIgnition pointCreated OnFebruary 7, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary I Ignition point < Back to Glossary IndexIgnition point (of an oil) – this is defined by the temperature to which an oil must be raised before its surface layers will ignite and continue to burn.Related:Arrived shipDreadage or Dreading ClauseAuto ignition temperatureExplosion proofExplosion ProofPhase (Oil Phases)
Ignition pointCreated OnFebruary 7, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary I Ignition point < Back to Glossary IndexIgnition point (of an oil) – this is defined by the temperature to which an oil must be raised before its surface layers will ignite and continue to burn.Related:Arrived shipDreadage or Dreading ClauseAuto ignition temperatureExplosion proofExplosion ProofPhase (Oil Phases)