General emergency alarmGeneral emergency alarmCreated OnFebruary 6, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary G General emergency alarm < Back to Glossary IndexA sound signal of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast given with the vessel´s sound systemRelated:Arrived shipHog (Hogging)Dreadage or Dreading ClauseProlonged blastCancelling date or LaycanCOA (Contract of Affreightment)
General emergency alarmCreated OnFebruary 6, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary G General emergency alarm < Back to Glossary IndexA sound signal of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast given with the vessel´s sound systemRelated:Arrived shipHog (Hogging)Dreadage or Dreading ClauseProlonged blastCancelling date or LaycanCOA (Contract of Affreightment)