Gas freeGas freeCreated OnDecember 28, 2017byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary G Gas free < Back to Glossary IndexA tank, compartment or container is gas free when sufficient fresh air has been introduced into it to lower the level of any flammable, toxic, or inert gas to that required for a specific purpose, e.g. hot work, entry, etc.Related:Hot work PermitPurgingEnclosed space entry permitButterworth Tank Cleaning SystemHog (Hogging)Gas free certificate
Gas freeCreated OnDecember 28, 2017byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary G Gas free < Back to Glossary IndexA tank, compartment or container is gas free when sufficient fresh air has been introduced into it to lower the level of any flammable, toxic, or inert gas to that required for a specific purpose, e.g. hot work, entry, etc.Related:Hot work PermitPurgingEnclosed space entry permitButterworth Tank Cleaning SystemHog (Hogging)Gas free certificate