Dressing shipDressing shipCreated OnFebruary 6, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary D Dressing ship < Back to Glossary IndexA display of national colors at all mastheads and the array of signal flags from bow to stern over the masthead (for special occasions and holidays).Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseFONASBACOA (Contract of Affreightment)Arrived shipExceptedBulbous Bow
Dressing shipCreated OnFebruary 6, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary D Dressing ship < Back to Glossary IndexA display of national colors at all mastheads and the array of signal flags from bow to stern over the masthead (for special occasions and holidays).Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseFONASBACOA (Contract of Affreightment)Arrived shipExceptedBulbous Bow