Clean BallastClean BallastCreated OnFebruary 5, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary C Clean Ballast < Back to Glossary IndexThe term applied to the seawater used for ballast when it is not contaminated by any oil and is carried in clean tanks.Related:Grab dischargeDirty BallastDreadage or Dreading ClauseBallast bonus (BB)BallastBareboat charter
Clean BallastCreated OnFebruary 5, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary C Clean Ballast < Back to Glossary IndexThe term applied to the seawater used for ballast when it is not contaminated by any oil and is carried in clean tanks.Related:Grab dischargeDirty BallastDreadage or Dreading ClauseBallast bonus (BB)BallastBareboat charter