The middle portion of a vessel.In midships, or in the middle of the ship, either with regard to her length or breadth. Hence that timber, or frame, which has the greatest breadth and capacity in the ship is denominated the midship bend.In or towards the middle of a ship in regard to length or breadth (center of). … [Read more...]
Side to side.Side by side, or joined to a ship/wharf. … [Read more...]
Above the upper deck (above). … [Read more...]
All hands
The entire crew. … [Read more...]
Alien species
A species that has been transported by human activity, intentionally or accidentally, into a region where it does not occur naturally … [Read more...]
Air Draft
The height from the waterline to the highest point of the vessel The distance from the vessel’s water line to the uppermost point on the vessel, usually the top of a mast or radar tower. When a vessel has to transit areas where there may be overhead obstructions (bridges, power lines, cranes, loading arms, etc.) it is vital to know what its air draft (draught) will be at the time of transit. The air draft of a vessel will vary depending upon the draft of the vessel and its trim. … [Read more...]
Resting on the bottom.The situation of a ship when her bottom, or any part of it, rests in the ground.The bottom of the ship may touch the ground in a loading or discharging port because of tidal changes in the water level. If a charter allows the Charterer to send the ship to a pert where it can safely touch the ground it will contain a clause describing the ship as being ". . . not always afloat but safely aground . . ." (NAABSA) … [Read more...]
At, near, or toward the stern (back end). … [Read more...]
A tanker of such size as to take commercial advantage under Worldscale (generally, tankers 80,000-119,000 DWT). … [Read more...]
Floating.Floating in water; not sinking. … [Read more...]