Cargo Breaking BulkCargo Breaking BulkCreated OnApril 29, 2020byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary B Cargo Breaking Bulk < Back to Glossary IndexThe word break bulk derives from the phrase breaking bulk — the separation from the holds of the ship of a portion of a ship’s cargo, or the start of the unloading process. Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseGrab dischargeCharter PartyArrived shipBreakbulk (cargo) (BB)BBB (Before breaking bulk)
Cargo Breaking BulkCreated OnApril 29, 2020byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary B Cargo Breaking Bulk < Back to Glossary IndexThe word break bulk derives from the phrase breaking bulk — the separation from the holds of the ship of a portion of a ship’s cargo, or the start of the unloading process. Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseGrab dischargeCharter PartyArrived shipBreakbulk (cargo) (BB)BBB (Before breaking bulk)