Tank domeTank domeCreated OnFebruary 7, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary T Tank dome < Back to Glossary Indexthe upward extension of a position of a cargo tank. In the case of below deck cargo containment system the tank dome protrudes through the weather deck or through a tank covering.Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseHog (Hogging)Secondary barrierVoid spaceGrab dischargeArrived ship
Tank domeCreated OnFebruary 7, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary T Tank dome < Back to Glossary Indexthe upward extension of a position of a cargo tank. In the case of below deck cargo containment system the tank dome protrudes through the weather deck or through a tank covering.Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseHog (Hogging)Secondary barrierVoid spaceGrab dischargeArrived ship