Gas carrierGas carrierCreated OnFebruary 7, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary G Gas carrier < Back to Glossary Indexis a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or other products listed in the table of Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseGrab dischargeHague Rules and Hague-Visby RulesBoth to Blame collision clauseArrived shipCOA (Contract of Affreightment)
Gas carrierCreated OnFebruary 7, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary G Gas carrier < Back to Glossary Indexis a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or other products listed in the table of Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseGrab dischargeHague Rules and Hague-Visby RulesBoth to Blame collision clauseArrived shipCOA (Contract of Affreightment)