PourPourCreated OnFebruary 6, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary P Pour < Back to Glossary Indexmeans the quantity of cargo poured through one hatch opening as one step in the loading plan, i.e. from the time the spout is positioned over a hatch opening until it is moved to another hatch opening.Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseCOA (Contract of Affreightment)Arrived shipBar draughtPLANDeadfreight
PourCreated OnFebruary 6, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary P Pour < Back to Glossary Indexmeans the quantity of cargo poured through one hatch opening as one step in the loading plan, i.e. from the time the spout is positioned over a hatch opening until it is moved to another hatch opening.Related:Dreadage or Dreading ClauseCOA (Contract of Affreightment)Arrived shipBar draughtPLANDeadfreight