Dead windDead windCreated OnFebruary 6, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary D Dead wind < Back to Glossary IndexThe wind right against the ship, or blowing from the very point to which she wants to go.Related:Beam windArrived shipDOP (Dropping Outward Pilot)AA AA (Always afloat, always accessible)Dreadage or Dreading ClauseBoth to Blame collision clause
Dead windCreated OnFebruary 6, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary D Dead wind < Back to Glossary IndexThe wind right against the ship, or blowing from the very point to which she wants to go.Related:Beam windArrived shipDOP (Dropping Outward Pilot)AA AA (Always afloat, always accessible)Dreadage or Dreading ClauseBoth to Blame collision clause