Static electricityStatic electricityCreated OnJanuary 12, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary S Static electricity < Back to Glossary IndexThe electricity produced by dissimilar materials through physical contact and separation.Read in Detail about Static Electricity.Related:Arrived shipHog (Hogging)Dreadage or Dreading ClauseHot work PermitAnti-static additiveSpread loading
Static electricityCreated OnJanuary 12, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary S Static electricity < Back to Glossary IndexThe electricity produced by dissimilar materials through physical contact and separation.Read in Detail about Static Electricity.Related:Arrived shipHog (Hogging)Dreadage or Dreading ClauseHot work PermitAnti-static additiveSpread loading