Spontaneous combustionSpontaneous combustionCreated OnJanuary 12, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary S Spontaneous combustion < Back to Glossary IndexThe ignition of material brought about by a heat producing (exothermic) chemical reaction within the material itself without exposure to an external source of ignition.Related:Auto ignition temperaturePermissible exposure limitAuto-ignitionThreshold Limit Value (TLV)Hot workFlame arrester
Spontaneous combustionCreated OnJanuary 12, 2018byCult of Sea Print You are here: Glossary S Spontaneous combustion < Back to Glossary IndexThe ignition of material brought about by a heat producing (exothermic) chemical reaction within the material itself without exposure to an external source of ignition.Related:Auto ignition temperaturePermissible exposure limitAuto-ignitionThreshold Limit Value (TLV)Hot workFlame arrester